Technological support for territorial planning and management and guidelines for land use and occupa

Studies to establish territorial planning and management instruments for land use and occupation apply to regional or municipal contexts and even pointwise purposes such as engineering works. The work performed by IPT includes geotechnical and environmental charts, municipal master plans and housing planning studies. These studies propose goals and actions Read more…

Evaluation and treatment of geoenvironmental data

Digital georeferenced cartographic data is a dynamic tool for environmental management. The technology that enables this tool to be employed is geoprocessing using software and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), whereby information from a variety of sources can be integrated, including alphanumeric attributes and well defined locations on the earth’s surface. Read more…

Evaluation of antimicrobial activity in products

Antimicrobial properties can be incorporated into a variety of products for the following purposes: Increase the product’s service life by retarding or preventing the development of degrading microorganisms. Obtain safer products by preventing or retarding the development of microorganisms harmful to human health. To evaluate the presence of antimicrobial activity Read more…

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