Industrial crystallization, precipitation and characterization of crystalline products

Industrial crystallization from solutions, castings or by precipitation is frequently employed as a separation and purification method, as well as in the synthesis of particulate products (powders) in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and hydrometallurgical industries, among others.

IPT has been working together with industry in this field for over 20 years, developing crystallization processes, executing the conceptual design of equipment and systems for crystallization, assisting in the implementation of new processes and the improvement of existing processes. In the latter case, improvements may involve the elimination of process bottlenecks (e.g., improving filtration rates) or product quality enhancement (e.g., particle purity and size).

IPT has the competencies to offer technological solutions in this field, using technical teams whose high-level academic qualifications are allied to experience in dealing with industrial matters, in both the field of particulate materials and related areas, such as computational fluid dynamics, industrial crystallization and precipitation, process development, mineralogy and geotechnics.

Moreover, the Institute has a complete laboratory infrastructure for the characterization of particulate systems, analysis of granulometric distribution, particle morphology, crystalline structures and polymorphism, surface load, contact angle, specific surface area, fluidity and compressibility, etc.

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