Advances in aviation
IPT participates in trade fair on composites with innovative fuselage of airplane produced with carbon fiber
IPT participates in trade fair on composites with innovative fuselage of airplane produced with carbon fiber
Pesquisador do IPT participa do júri em concurso para avaliar – e identificar – talentos em projetos navais inovadores
IPT researcher is awarded for paper presented at Brazilian Conference on Composite Materials
Trabalho de pesquisador do IPT é premiado em conferência sobre materiais compósitos realizada no Rio Grande do Sul
IPT has over 30 years of experience in the design of transport packaging and wrapping systems for goods, be it for export, domestic distribution or to meet the internal logistics needs of companies. Clients served by the Institute range from large multinational corporations that want to reduce the variability of Read more…
Numerous problems may arise from the absence of packaging quality control, e.g., there is no basis for comparison for the best purchase; one can buy considering only the lowest price or pay for a product of a certain quality and receive a different one; and minor variations in material quality Read more…
IPT owns the oldest testing laboratory accredited by the Brazilian Network of Test Laboratories – RBLE / INMETRO in Brazil. The initial accreditation was received in 1982 in the area of motorcycle helmet tests, which are compulsory. The tests are performed on domestically manufactured helmets and imported models, aiming to Read more…
IPT develops tests for the evaluation of cargo and passenger train performance, aiming to maximize cargo volume and traffic safety criteria. IPT also does instrumentation work on rolling stock, developing and using advanced techniques for monitoring signals and data acquisition systems. It also provides support for research and development projects Read more…
IPT acts in the automotive sector, mainly in the development of static and dynamic fatigue tests on mechanical components. Some of these tests are accredited by the Brazilian Network of Test Laboratories, RBLE / INMETRO, according to the NBR ISO/IEC 17025 standard, and are compulsory, aiming basically to ensure vehicle Read more…
IPT interprets a problem and translates it into required tests, bibliographic research or development of evaluation methods. This interpretation is often not immediate. The user of the packaging should provide the maximum possible amount of information to enable IPT to determine whether there was failure in materials, production process or Read more…