Development of vaccines and biopharmaceutical products

Vaccines and biopharmaceutical products are typically proteins, viruses or viral particles which require complex production systems, in most cases involving application of recombinant DNA technology. Some of these bioproducts, which are less complex in terms of post-transcription transformation (glycolyation, phosphorylation, disulphate bridges, and amidation, etc.) can be produced in yeasts Read more…

Characterization of contaminants in different materials

Examples of products in which contaminants have been identified include: automotive parts and vehicles beverages, food and others filters showing abnormally high concentrations of residues or sediments raw materials packaging textiles, papers, plastics and others industrial process wastes plastics with liquid coatings IPT characterizes contaminants in different materials, using infrared Read more…

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of PAHs

IPT determines Polycyclic or Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in raw materials, finished products and subproducts of metalworking companies, steel mills, petrochemical plants and chemical transformation industries in general, in order to overcome technical barriers to exportation. This analysis is also required for purposes of occupational health control, since some PAHs Read more…

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