Parceria em nanocosmético
Empresa desenvolve cosmético nanoestruturado à base de plantas e conta com apoio técnico do IPT
Empresa desenvolve cosmético nanoestruturado à base de plantas e conta com apoio técnico do IPT
Human exposure to non-ionizing radiation is regulated on a federal level by Federal Law 11,934/2009 and by Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) Directive 303/2002, prescribing permissible limits for radiation originated by telecommunications equipment aerials and, on a municipal level in São Paulo, by regulation 80/SVMA/2005 of the Department of Environment of Read more…
The sale of products on international markets and in some areas of the domestic market requires obligatory safety tests, which constitute legal requirements accepted by the WTO (World Trade Organization), according to the three principles of Health, Environment and Safety (HES). IPT performs tests for various electrical and electronic products. Read more…
The sale of electric and electronic products on international markets and in some areas of the domestic market requires obligatory electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC) to protect communications and ensure the equipment’s safe operation. IPT performs practically all the tests conducted on various families of products and also offers technical support Read more…
Technical reports or opinions to confirm the need for uninterrupted work (Sundays and holidays) at textile companies, required by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), comply with Directive 3118/89 of the MTE. These documents have a solely technical nature and must be prepared by a competent institution that meets Read more…
IPT sedia simpósio de resíduos infectantes e pesquisadores discutem normas de sacos plásticos e coletores de papelão
One of the basic needs for acoustic comfort in work, leisure or rest environments is the determination of noise levels originating from machines and household appliances. In work environments, these conditions should be analyzed according to applicable regulations such as NR15, ACGH and OSHA, which establish procedures and criteria for Read more…
Evaluation of the acoustic performance of housing units is aimed at providing conditions for acoustic comfort inside them and at reducing impacts on the surrounding environment. This can be done either by on-site measurement of noise levels, when the building’s global acoustic performance is evaluated by computer simulation of noise Read more…
All commercial or industrial establishments must evaluate the impact caused by noise generated by their activities in their close surroundings. Similarly, air, road and rail traffic are also important noise sources whose impact on neighboring communities must be evaluated. These impacts can be studied by means of on-site measurements, evaluation Read more…
Evaluations of thermal comfort in work environments can be of three kinds: heat overload, when health risks to workers exposed to intense heat are evaluated; cold overload, when health risks to workers exposed to very low temperatures are evaluated, and thermal comfort when environments without thermal overload but with possible Read more…