Evaluation of human exposure to non-ionizing radiation in the environment

Human exposure to non-ionizing radiation is regulated on a federal level by Federal Law 11,934/2009 and by Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) Directive 303/2002, prescribing permissible limits for radiation originated by telecommunications equipment aerials and, on a municipal level in São Paulo, by regulation 80/SVMA/2005 of the Department of Environment of the City of São Paulo. The main difference introduced by the directive is that it establishes limits for long-term exposure to magnetic fields of 83.3 uT to 10 uT, in the case of existing high tension transmission lines, and of 3 uT for new lines.

IPT performs these measurements and verifies compliance with the criteria established in the regulations for mobile phone radio-stations and radio transmitting stations, as well as for high tension power transmission lines.

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