Characterization of organic materials

Characterization of organic compounds contained in different types of materials is used for the quality control or production of similar materials. IPT characterizes polymer materials (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyurethane, polyester, epoxy resin, silicon and others) and nonpolymer organic materials (pure compounds, oils, plasticizers and others) which are present in: Paints and Read more…

Fluid flow, volume and speed metering

The exact measurement and precise control of fluid flow and volume is important in industrial processes because they directly affect product quality, plant operational safety, economic and commercial aspects, and the fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements. Fluid metrology is crucial in areas such as medicine and health, environment, biotechnology, Read more…

Gerador hidráulico de força com capacidade nominal de 30 tf

Calibration of force, torque and hardness machines and transducers

The Mechanical Metrology Laboratory (LMM) provides calibration services of force, torque and hardness machines and transducers: Force tester scales: scales of universal testing machine. Force transducers: load cell, hydraulic jack, dynamometer. Torque measuring devices: torque calibrator, torquemeter, torque flange. Hardness tester scales: scales of hardness testing machine (Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers). Hardness Read more…

4490 maior

Testing System for Mooring Equipment

E-flyer | PDF First rupture test video: The Laboratory of Mechanical Equipment and Structures at IPT makes its newest equipment, the Testing System for Mooring Equipment  |  SEEA, available to the industry. The system assists in the development and testing of high capacity synthetic or metallic mooring lines, chains, hooks, Read more…

Packaging design and development

IPT has over 30 years of experience in the design of transport packaging and wrapping systems for goods, be it for export, domestic distribution or to meet the internal logistics needs of companies. Clients served by the Institute range from large multinational corporations that want to reduce the variability of Read more…

Evaluation of train performance

IPT develops tests for the evaluation of cargo and passenger train performance, aiming to maximize cargo volume and traffic safety criteria. IPT also does instrumentation work on rolling stock, developing and using advanced techniques for monitoring signals and data acquisition systems. It also provides support for research and development projects Read more…

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