Corpo de prova rompido após ensaios de corrosão sob tensão com baixa taxa de deformação em etanol

Corrosion tests related to mechanical stress

IPT´s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection conducts testing and research studies related to the corrosion of metals associated with mechanical stress to support the industry in the selection of metallic materials. Stress corrosion and fatigue corrosion tests are performed according to international standards or by simulating field conditions. The Laboratory Read more…

Loop de corrosão usado para ensaios em fluxos multifásicos e para testes de dispositivos para monitoramento de corrosão interna de dutos

Dynamic corrosion tests and tests in autoclaves

IPT\’s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection has loops and autoclaves, to perform dynamic tests focused on studies related to internal corrosion of pipelines, reactors and storage tanks both at room temperature and pressure and at high temperature and pressure. This infrastructure, including Hastelloy-made and glass-made loops and autoclaves, allows performing Read more…

Ensaio eletroquímico usando a Sonda Kelvin

Electrochemical tests applied to corrosion studies

IPT´s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection has modern equipment for electrochemical tests which includes potentiostats, frequency analyzers and zero resistance amperimeters for traditional measurements (polarization curves, impedance spectrocopy, RPL, electrochemical noise). The Lab is also supplied with equipment for localized electrochemical techniques such as: • Scanning Kelvin Probe – SKP: Read more…

Characterization of soil corrosiveness

When dealing with metallic structures or equipment that will be buried, such as pipelines and fuel tanks, it is essential to know the aggressiveness of the soil in order to specify adequate coatings and protective systems. IPT has an experienced technical team and appropriate equipment to determine the corrosive effect Read more…

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