Nanopartículas de sílica funcionalizadas com moléculas hidrofílicas, produzidas em laboratório

Nanotechnology associated with corrosion and protection

IPT’s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection being aware that nanotechnology represents a great potential for the optimization of corrosion protection methods started to make effort to train its technician in nanotechnology associated with corrosion and protection. Two researchers took a stage at Institut Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft of Germany in functionalization of nanoparticles Read more…

Cristais de carbonato de ferro (FeCO3) precipitados sobre camada de produto de corrosão craquelado formado sobre o aço UNS K41245 grau T5 (5 % Cr) sob exposição em meio de NaCl/CO2 (Sweet Corrosion). Imagens obtidas por elétrons secundários em microscópio eletrônico de varredura

Microscopic and metallographic analyses

IPT´s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection is able to perform microstructural characterizations of metallic materials and coatings, both microstructured or nanostructured. The Lab has modern infrastructure including several types of equipment for conducting a broad spectrum of metallographic and surface analyses such as: • traditional optical microscopes, used for metallographic Read more…

Ensaio de imersão do aço-carbono em etanol. Projeto: Estudo da corrosividade do etanol.

Basic and technological research regarding corrosion and protection

  IPT’s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection gives supports to the productive sector through technological services. Additionally, the Lab offers applied research for solving specific technological challenges. The laboratory has already developed about 140 research and development projects to almost all industrial sectors including: communication; automobile industries (mainly in developing Read more…

Infraestrutura do Laboratório de Corrosão e Proteção (LCP) para estudos da corrosão externa de dutos

External corrosion and cathodic protection

 IPT gives support to external corrosion management of pipelines through research and development studies as well as technological services. Through the Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (LCP), the Institute experienced a breakthrough in studies of the influence of the alternating current interference of cathodically protected pipelines. Together with Cenpes / Read more…

Cupons de corrosão submetidos ao ensaio NACE TM-0172

Pipeline internal corrosion

  IPT has a huge experience in internal corrosion of pipelines through its Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (LCP). This Laboratory is specialized in technological solutions for corrosion prevention and corrosion management of metallic materials, equipment and structures in many applications. As the demand increased, in 2006, IPT and Petrobras Read more…

Infraestrutura do Laboratório de Corrosão e Proteção para ensaios em biocombustíveis

Biofuels corrosiveness

IPT´s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (LCP) has a suitable infrastructure to develop laboratory and in-field corrosion research with biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, aiming at creating the necessary conditions for safe storage and inland and oversea transportation. The Lab also develops specific test methodologies for the study of Read more…

Tanque de armazenamento de petróleo miniaturizado e totalmente automatizado que simula todas as condições de tanques reais

Soil corrosivity and cathodic protection

IPT’s Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection has a wide experience in corrosion by soils and in cathodic protection for buried and submerged structures such as water and sewage transportation pipelines as well as petroleum and its derivative transportation pipelines. The laboratory has an infrastructure and a trained staff to conduct Read more…

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