IPT has a huge experience in internal corrosion of pipelines through its Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (LCP). This Laboratory is specialized in technological solutions for corrosion prevention and corrosion management of metallic materials, equipment and structures in many applications.
As the demand increased, in 2006, IPT and Petrobras created a focused and specialized working group which has the mission to support the management of internal corrosion of pipelines through routine analyses, research and development studies and technical support services, such as:
- Chemical and biological characterization of solid residues and fluids collected in pipes at pig receptors and in tanks;
- Petroleum derivatives corrosivity evaluation, according to NACE TM-0172;
- Qualification of inhibitors used in pipelines;
- Preparation, cleaning and evaluation of corrosion coupons and bio-coupons;
- Training technicians in removing and in installing online coupons corrosion studies: control and identification of corrosion mechanisms of pipelines and tanks;
- Failure analyses.
The group is a worldwide reference in conducting the NACE TM-0172 test which evaluates the corrosivity of petroleum derivatives. The modification introduced in the NACE TM-0172 methodology has been incorporated in a draft which should be published in 2012.

Using loop facilities, the group evaluates electric resistance probe and others equipment used in on-line internal corrosion management off pipelines.
The group also has a pilot test field which allows performing tests to evaluate the cathodic protection of the internal tank walls associated with the bacteria in high salinity media.