Intervention projects in risk areas

IPT is equipped to develop structural intervention projects in geological and geotechnical risk areas. Such interventions aim to eliminate identified risks by means of specific engineering works, such as slopes stabilization, drainage systems, surface protection, types of housing better suited to the terrain, etc. In addition to these direct actions, Read more…

Studies for use of groundwater

Groundwater is an excellent alternative source for small communities located in rural areas of states and municipalities, or even in urban centers or built-up areas. Large cities such as Ribeirão Preto and São José do Rio Preto, in the interior of the state of São Paulo, use this resource to Read more…

Use of vegetation for the recovery of degraded areas

Projects that employ technologies with lower environmental impact constitute an important strategy for the recovery of degraded areas. The use of bioengineering technologies for erosion control and phytoremediation for soil decontamination is applied increasingly in situations where conventional technologies appear unfeasible due to environmental or economic limitations. These techniques use Read more…

Safety analysis of dams

As in other areas of civil engineering, safety is crucial in the specialized area of dams in view of the serious consequences of structural flaws. Research work developed by IPT in this area includes: Review of projects and construction methods Field inspection Analysis of auscultation instruments Analysis of dam behavior Read more…

Analysis of plasticizers in toys

Plasticizers are chemical compounds added to polymers, mainly PVC (polyvinyl chloride) to make them flexible and soft to the touch. PVC is one of the polymers most widely used in the manufacture of toys. The plasticizers most frequently used are orthophthalic acid esters, commonly known as phthalates. According to technical Read more…

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