Ensaios eletroquímicos em amostras de concreto com armaduras de aço inoxidável

Corrosion in civil construction

Corrosion found in reinforced concrete is one of the most frequent pathologies of buildings, especially those exposed to aggressive environments such as the onshore marine atmospheres. The corrosion of carbon steel reinforcements produces oxides and hydroxides. The volume of these corrosion products has much greater volume than the original steel Read more…

Infraestrutura do Laboratório de Corrosão e Proteção (LCP) para estudos da corrosão externa de dutos

External corrosion and cathodic protection

 IPT gives support to external corrosion management of pipelines through research and development studies as well as technological services. Through the Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (LCP), the Institute experienced a breakthrough in studies of the influence of the alternating current interference of cathodically protected pipelines. Together with Cenpes / Read more…

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