Proficiência em lubrificantes
IPT sedia primeiro encontro de participantes do programa interlaboratorial; resultados e planos 2015 foram discutidos
Parceria marítima
IPT realiza ensaios em maquete do navio oceanográfico; dados irão auxiliar no desenvolvimento de simulador
R&D&I, technological support and integrated solutions for fluids metrology
From the standpoint of process control, fluid flow measurements are essential to the operation of an industrial plant in every phase of fluids handling, including the production, processing and distribution of raw materials, end products and utilities. Fluid flow measurement is associated with mass balances in industrial processes, and from Read more…
Energy and operational efficiency for the water and gas industry and utilities
Operational efficiency is a constant goal of water and gas utilities, for which the use of adequate technologies in their management tools is of fundamental importance. Utility companies’ management of their macro and micro-metering park must not only meet the regulatory demands (ARSESP, ANA, ANP and INMETRO) but also seek Read more…
Performance tests of fans, pumps, compressors and components
An important tool to assure the quality, performance, operational safety and energy efficiency of equipment and systems used in the movement of fluids is the determination of the characteristic performance curves of flow machines and their components. IPT operates test laboratories to establish characteristic curves of pressure, flow, power and Read more…
Interlaboratorial em telecomunicações
Laboratório de Metrologia Elétrica coordena programa de comparação interlaboratorial; oito laboratórios participam
Bola da vez
IPT testou bolas de campeonatos nacionais e internacionais antecipando qualidades e defeitos
Indústria e petróleo
Diretor do IPT é palestrante em evento da Fiesp em SP para debater logística e transporte nacionais à luz do pré-sal
Eficiência de bombas
IPT aumenta participação no Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica com ensaios de bombas