Produtividade das MPEs
IPT promove seminário para apresentar ferramentas de apoio tecnológico com depoimentos de clientes
IPT promove seminário para apresentar ferramentas de apoio tecnológico com depoimentos de clientes
Laboratório do IPT desenvolve capacitação para avaliação do desempenho de painéis de mensagens variáveis
Tax classification of goods (Customs Code) is important not only to determine the tax rate involved in import and export operations and invoicing of industrial goods, but also especially for international trade, for purposes of statistical control and determination of administrative treatment requested for a given product. The importer, exporter Read more…
IPT determines the chemical composition of solvents based on official standards or procedures requested by clients. The components are identified by mass spectrometry or injection of standards by gas chromatography, a technique which is also used to quantify the components. Determination of the chemical composition enables one to: Find the Read more…
Methyl bromide has been used in fumigation processes to control pests that infest wooden pallets and some crops. Although it is a gaseous material, after fumigation some residues of methyl bromide may be left in wood treated with this fungicide. Methyl bromide is highly toxic and its use is gradually Read more…
The European market is subject to different directives which regulate product, process or production method characteristics. Some of them are more specific and refer to the presence of restricted chemical substances in products based on the hazard they pose to consumer health and to the environment after their disposal. In Read more…
Many small and medium-size enterprises find market niches by producing specialty products using imported raw materials. However, the cost of freight, market protection, fluctuating dollar exchange rate or discontinuity of imports may often cause the stoppage of production lines. Some companies therefore choose to produce key raw materials or additives Read more…
IPT determines Polycyclic or Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in raw materials, finished products and subproducts of metalworking companies, steel mills, petrochemical plants and chemical transformation industries in general, in order to overcome technical barriers to exportation. This analysis is also required for purposes of occupational health control, since some PAHs Read more…
Suporte técnico do IPT é auxilio às empresas em busca de produtividade e ao governo na proteção à indústria nacional