Development and technological support for civil engineering quality programs and systems

IPT provides technological support to quality systems and programs in civil engineering, focusing particularly on the building construction sector. In the area of products, materials and components for civil engineering, the Institute offers technological support for the development of quality control programs, qualification and continued quality improvements; to technical management Read more…

Energy efficiency of sanitation utilities

IPT evaluates the conditions of electrical energy consumption of local water and sanitation companies and public utilities, aiming to reduce this consumption. The evaluation of electrical energy consumption enables changes to be made in both the configuration and composition of these systems, especially of pumping equipment. Local sanitation companies and Read more…

Evaluation of water and sewage treatment

Practically all human activities generate effluents that cannot always be discharged directly into water bodies, but must first undergo some treatment. Some of these effluents have peculiar characteristics which only allow for their treatment under certain conditions or when subjected to specific processes. Knowledge about the treatability of effluents is Read more…

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