Modelagem e simulação de uma planta virtual de produção de biocatalisador utilizado na síntese de fruto-oligossacarídeos

Resumo: Os fruto-oligossacarídeos (FOS) são açúcares prebióticos de baixa caloria que promovem uma série de benefícios à saúde e nutrição humana e animal, podendo ser produzidos pela reação de transfrutosilação da sacarose, catalisada por enzimas microbianas como a frutosiltransferase (FTase E.C. Dentre os principais microrganismos produtores destas enzimas, destaca-se o Leia mais…

Avaliação de parâmetros operacionais na atividade de células de Asgpergillus oryzae IPT-301 imobilizadas em espumas de poliuretano para a síntese enzimática de fruto-oligossacarídeos em reator PBR

Resumo: Nesse trabalho foram avaliados a influência da vazão volumétrica e da concentração de substrato na atividade enzimática de células íntegras, em um reator de leito fixo, para a síntese de fruto-oligossacarídeos (FOS). O reator foi recheado com células de Aspergillus oryzae IPT-301 imobilizadas em espuma de poliuretano (EPU). Os Leia mais…

SARS-CoV-2 nanovaccine composed of microfluidic-produced gold nanoparticles induced neurtralizing immune responses

Abstract: AACS Applied Nano Materials, Dec., 2023The pursuit of effective and safe vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2 has posed a significant challenge for science in recent years, allowing the emergence of new vaccine strategies and platforms. Here, we present a coronavirus disease candidate vaccine based on Leia mais…

Influência da temperatura na corrosão influenciada por microorganismos em aço-carbono (AISI 1020) sob condição estática

Resumo: O presente estudo avaliou a influência da temperatura na corrosão influenciada por microrganismos (CIM) sob condição estática e anaeróbica (~10 ppb) por um período de 45 dias. Os ensaios foram realizados em biorreatores e como meio foi utilizado água do mar natural esterilizada e enriquecida com solução nutritiva, em Leia mais…

Implementation of a millimeter-wave butler matrix on metallic nanowires-filled membrane platform

Abstract: Wireless communications with greater transmission capacities are possible in the millimeter wave (mmWave) region. However, to overcome the significant propagation losses in this frequency band, it is necessary to employ more efficient and intelligent antennas based on MIMO and beam-steering phased array technologies. This paper demonstrates the fabrication of Leia mais…

Cross-linked whole cerlls for the sucrose transfructosylation reaction in a continuous reactor

Abstract: Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are fructose oligomers beneficial to human health and nutrition for prebiotic sugars. Their production occurs by a transfructosylation reaction in sucrose molecules catalyzed by fructosyltransferase enzymes (FTase, E.C. adhered to microbial cells. The purpose of this work was to study the preparation, enzymatic activity, and stability of Leia mais…

In situ trametes versicolor laccase biocathode performance assessment in dual-chamber microbial fuel cells

Abstract: White-rot fungi (WRF) synthesize ligninolytic extracellular oxidative enzymes such as laccase (Lcc), which has been described as one of the most interesting types of redox enzymes that can improve microbial fuel cell (MFC) performance. Therefore, and in order to test that performance, WRF Trametes versicolor MUM 04.100 was immobilized Leia mais…

Influence of tickness on the properties of electrospun PCL/gelatina nanofiber scaffolds

Abstract: Electrospun nanofiber scaffolds mimic the structure of the natural extracellular matrix, making them promising for application in tissue engineering. Based on this, the biopolymers poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and gelatin, with good mechanical and biological properties, respectively, were electrospun with acetic acid as the only solvent, without the crosslinking process in Leia mais…

Symbiotic microparticles produced through spray-drying-induced in situ alginate crosslinking for the preservation Pediococcus pentosaceus viability

Abstract: Probiotic microorganisms are a promising alternative to antibiotics in preventing and treating bacterial infections. Within the probiotic group, the lactic acid bacteria (LAB)stand out for their health benefits and for being recognized as safe by regulatory agencies. However, these microorganisms are sensitive to various environmental conditions, including the acidic Leia mais…

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