Uso de rede neural profunda para segmentação de imagens visando a avaliação do grau de liberação de minérios

Referência: SILVA, Celso Luciano Alves da; AUGUSTIN, Eric; PEDROSA, Francisco Junior Batista; GAVA, Vagner Luiz; SOUZA, Tayna Cunha. Uso de rede neural profunda para segmentação de imagens visando a avaliação do grau de liberação de minérios. In: WORKSHOP DE MODELAGEM E SIMULAÇÃO COMPUTACIONAL NO IPT: INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 1., 2023, Leia mais…

Transcriptômica aplicada ao estudo de vacinas = Transcriptomics applied to the study of influenza vaccines

Referência: MARTINS, André Guilherme da Costa. Transcriptômica aplicada ao estudo de vacinas. São Paulo, 2023. 58 slides. (Palestra apresentada no Programa de Pós-graduação Milticêntrico em Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Campus Centro-Oeste Dona Lindu, Divinópolis) Acesso aos slides da apresentação da Palestra em PDF:

Application of machine learning techniques for identifying emergency conditions in Rainwater galleries

Abstract: This paper presents a study on applying machine learning (ML) techniques to analyze a dataset comprising anonymized technical inspections of approximately 4,000 rainwater galleries within the drainage systems alongside Brazilian highways. Periodic inspections to evaluate structural safety while also identifying any existing anomalies for subsequent activities such as instrument Leia mais…

A systematic literature review of machine learning approaches for in-browser crystojacking detection

Abstract: This paper analyzes the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques for detecting in-browser cryptojacking. Our study follows a systematic literature review encompassing three phases: planning, conduction, and synthesis. We provide a com prehensive overview of the approaches, highlighting gaps, areas for improvement, and unique features while categorizing each technique. We identified Leia mais…

Quantum machine learning for network detection systems, a systematic litarature review

Abstract: Quantum computing presents potential advantages over classical computing in terms of computational complexity. Therefore, it is expected for quantum machine learning applications to have improvements in capacity and learning efficiency over classical machine learning methods. This paper aims to present a Systematic Literature Review of articles published between 2017 Leia mais…

Baseline gene signatures of reactogenicity to Ebola vaccination: a machine learning approach across multiple cohorts

Abstract: The rVSVDG-ZEBOV-GP (Ervebo®) vaccine is both immunogenic and protective against Ebola. However, the vaccine can cause a broad range of transient adverse reactions, from headache to arthritis. Identifying baseline reactogenicity signatures can advance personalized vaccinology and increase our understanding of the molecular factors associated with such adverse events. In Leia mais…

Guia de manutenção preditiva

Resumo: A Manutenção Preditiva é um dos assuntos que vêm ganhando ascensão nos últimos anos em função de seu potencial de antever falhas em sistemas produtivos. Neste capítulo, abordaremos os conceitos relacionados à manutenção preditiva, sua relevância, aspectos tecnológicos e alguns pontos para serem enfatizados no momento da decisão pela Leia mais…

Application of machine learning tecnhiques for identiying emergency conditions in rainwater galleries

Abstract: This paper presents a study on applying machine learning (ML) techniques to analyze a dataset comprising anonymized technical inspections of approximately 4,000 rainwater galleries within the drainage systems alongside Brazilian highways. Periodic inspections to evaluate structural safety while also identifying any existing anomalies for subsequent activities such as instrument Leia mais…

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