Medidores de vazão, volume e velocidade de fluidos
Calibração, ensaios, aprovação de modelos e verificação
Calibração, ensaios, aprovação de modelos e verificação
The exact measurement and precise control of fluid flow and volume is important in industrial processes because they directly affect product quality, plant operational safety, economic and commercial aspects, and the fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements. Fluid metrology is crucial in areas such as medicine and health, environment, biotechnology, Leia mais…
Ensaios de edificações, pontes, plataformas de petróleo, geradores eólicos, conforto ambiental
Wind tunnel testing is a reliable tool to determine the effect of wind loads on engineered structures such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, towers, roofs, cables, chimneys, trestlework, vehicles and others. This application is directly related to situations which require highly accurate and reliable information or cases in which knowledge about Leia mais…