Effect of forced convection on the purification of metallurgical silicone by Direction solidification

Abstract: The effects of forced convection on the microstructure, macrostructure and macrosegregation of impurities in cylindrical ingots obtained by directional solidification of metallurgical grade silicon were examined. Two experiments were carried out, one without and another with the forced convection induced by a disk at the melt top rotating at Leia mais…

Aproveitamento de materiais de lâmpadas led: investigando os mecânicos de desmantelamento de lâmpadas do tipo bulbo

Resumo: A demanda da sociedade moderna por inovações tecnológicas, descarbonização e transição energética tem impulsionado o consumo de diversos metais como cobre, lítio, cobalto, níquel, elementos terras raras, além dos tradicionais ferro e alumínio. Estes metais são majoritariamente obtidos a partir de fontes primárias (jazidas minerais), no entanto, o desenvolvimento Leia mais…

Development of oxalate-based layers for temporary protection of NdFeB magnets

Referência: SANTOS, Célia Aparecida Lino dos; PASTRIAN, Fabián Andree Cerda; CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; LANDGRAF, Fernando José Gomes. Development of oxalate-based layers for temporary protection of NdFeB magnets. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Lectures…  17 slides. Acesso aos slides da apresentação da Palestra em PDF: https://escriba.ipt.br/pdf/178792.pdf

Evaluation of test methodologies for assessing SCC-CO2 in flexible pipes

Referência: PIMENTEL, Tarcisio H.C.; SILVA, Carlos Alberto da; NEVES FILHO, David Rodrigues; BAPTISTA, Ilson Palmieri; SANTOS, Fabricio; SOUZA, José Adailson de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Evaluation of test methodologies for assessing SCC-CO2 in flexible pipes. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Lecture…  23 slides.   Acesso aos slides da apresentação Leia mais…

Characterization of on situ preferential weld corrosion in low-conductivity sweer corrosion media for subsea pipelines using SVET and immersion tests

Referência: PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; NUNES, Gislaine Maria Bragagnolo; ANDRADE, Bruno de Barros; HENRIQUE, Marcos Luiz; MARQUES, Rodrigo da Silva; GOMES, Thales R.; ZUMPANO JUNIOR, Petronio; BAPTISTA, Ilson Palmieri. Characterization of on situ preferential weld corrosion in low-conductivity sweer corrosion media for subsea pipelines using SVET and immersion tests. In: LATINCORR & Leia mais…

Evaluation of pH and oxygen control contribution to mitigate the internal corrosion in iron-ore slurry pipeline

Referência: HUDSON, Lorena M.S.; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; NUNES, Gislaine Maria Bragagnolo;RIBEIRO, Letícia Maria Sampaio; CAIRES, Millena F.B.; RUFINO, Cesar Henrique; ALVARENGA, Phillipe S. Evaluation of pH and oxygen control contribution to mitigate the internal corrosion in iron-ore slurry pipeline. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Lecture..  Leia mais…

Investigation of the susceptibility to preferencial corrosion of pipeline welded joints

Referência: CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; ANDRADE, Bruno de Barros; HENRIQUE, Marcos Luiz (DO12); MARQUES, Rodrigo da Silva(DO12)_; GOMES, Thales R.; ZUMPANO JUNIOR, Petronio; BAPTISTA, Ilson P. Investigation of the susceptibility to preferencial corrosion of pipeline welded joints. In: LATINCORR & INTERCORR 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Lecture..  25 slides. Acesso Leia mais…

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