Internal corrosion is one of the main problems related to the integrity of pipelines. It depends on the type of material used in the manufacture of the tubes and the composition of the fluid. Generally, the material used is carbon steel which, despite having low cost and good weldability, is quite susceptible to corrosion in the presence of water and oxygen. In addition, some contaminants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), salts and microorganisms may be present, increasing the corrosivity of the fluid. For this reason, corrosion control methods are generally employed, such as the use of coatings, the injection of chemical products as corrosion inhibitors, the passage of PIG or other. However, the key to effective corrosion management/monitoring is information, as it is on the basis of this that ongoing adjustments are made for corrosion control. This does not simply require that probes and equipments operate correctly. But it does require also that they have to be placed in the most appropriate spot, as well as knows the corrosivity potential of the fluid and the corrosive process in effect. In this sense, an attempt was made to verify the effect of the proximity of a curved section on the corrosion rate. With this purpose, classical monitoring techniques were used: mass loss coupons (gravimetric technique) and electrical resistance probes (ERP). The ERP were from the same manufacturer. ERP and coupons were installed at three different distances from the curved section: 0.1 m 1 m and 7 m.
MOREIRA, Anna Ramus. Influence of a curved section on the corrosion rate of a closed loop circulation system. In: RIO PIPELINE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 3 p.
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