O pensamento de ciclo de vida na tomada de decisão para o aproveitamento de resíduos de poda da arborização urbana

Resumo: O trabalho busca soluções para o reaproveitamento de resíduos de poda de arborização urbana, com um destino final com maior valor agregado de acordo com o potencial de uso identificado, tendo como estudo de caso a arborização do município de Bertioga-SP. Um dos desafios é otimizar os benefícios ambientais, Leia mais…

Material intensity and embodied CO2 benchamark for reinforced concrete strucutres in Brazil

Abstract: Cement and steel production significantly contribute to global CO2 emissions, with reinforced concrete structures accounting for a substantial portion. Therefore, optimizing the structural design helps reduce material and carbon intensity. However, industry-based benchmarks for material and carbon intensity of structures are scarce and lack transparency. This study fills this Leia mais…

Environmental and economic trade-offs of different reclaimed asphalt pavement recycling strategies for the city of São Paulo, Brazil

Referência: MASCARENHAS, Zila; SILVA, Fernanda Belizário; VASCONCELO, Kamila. Environmental and economic trade-offs of different reclaimed asphalt pavement recycling strategies for the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD ANNUAL MEETING 103, 2024, Washington. Pôster.. 1 slides. Acesso aos slides da apresentação da Palestra em PDF: https://escriba.ipt.br/pdf/178803.pdf

Actual sources of life cycle impacts: elementar process and flows causing environmental impacts for a typical Brazilian building

Abstract: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a valuable tool to enhance the environmental performance of buildings. However, the increasing number of impact categories required by construction LCA standards makes it difficult to collect primary data and understand LCA results. Furthermore, most LCA studies only analyse aggregated impact results, failing to Leia mais…

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