Consultancy in packaging and cargo systems

IPT interprets a problem and translates it into required tests, bibliographic research or development of evaluation methods. This interpretation is often not immediate. The user of the packaging should provide the maximum possible amount of information to enable IPT to determine whether there was failure in materials, production process or Leia mais…

Technological investigation of losses

Losses or accidents are undesirable events whose consequences vary from the simple loss of a few minutes up to the complete destruction of an industrial unit or construction. Once an accident has occurred, an investigation begins which may involve different types of studies, including criminal investigations, systemic investigations to prevent Leia mais…

Investigação tecnológica de sinistros

Sinistros ou acidentes são eventos indesejados cujas consequências variam da simples perda de alguns minutos até a completa destruição de uma unidade industrial ou obra. Uma vez ocorridos os acidentes, inicia-se uma fase de apuração que pode envolver diversos tipos de estudos, dentre os quais se encontram investigações criminais ou Leia mais…

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