Effect of manganese content on the wear resistance and impact properties of hadfield steel


This paper studies the effect of manganese content (5, 8, 12, 15 and 18%) on the wear resistance and impact properties of Hadfield steels. Mechanical tests results showed that Hadfield steel with 15% Mn had the highest value of the impact energy (249J), followed by Hadfield with higher C and Mn content (1.4% C and 18% Mn, 201J), and the conventional Hadfield steel (12% Mn, 199J). Hadfield steel with 15%Mn presented the highest value of Hardness (HV30). In the rubber wheel abrasion tests, Hadfield steel with 8%Mn presented the lowest value of mass loss, followed by 12% and 15%Mn. Microscopic characterization of the fractured testpieces indicated that higher Mn contents increased the proportion of plastic deformation by the twinning mechanism.


VENTURELLI, Bianka Nani; TRESSIA, Gustavo; ALBERTIN, Eduardo. Effect of manganese content on the wear resistance and impact properties of hadfield steel. In: ABM WEEK, 6., MELTING, REFINING & CASTING, 51., 7-9 jul., 2022, São Paulo. Proceedings… 13p.

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