A simple method to measure sewage water in pumping stations


The paper shows the development of an elbow flowmeter for the measurement of flow rate in sewage pumping
facilities. The paper describes the results of laboratorial tests, the use of a special pressure transducer for the
measurement of the difference in centrifugal force in the pressure taps of the elbow and, finally, the field tests
in a sewage pumping facility. Results show that for Reynolds numbers greater than 105 the K coefficients are
constant within ± 1% and follow the theoretical curves within ± 0,5%. The uncertainty in the measurement of the
flow rate was determined to be better than 2%.

PEREIRA, Marcos Tadeu; TAIRA, Nilson Massami. Uma solução para a medição de vazão de esgoto em estações elevatórias. Revista DAEE, v.65, n.205, p. 71-88, jan., 2017.

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