Cristalização e incrustação do carbonato de cálcio em escoamento reativo: efeito do campo magnético

Referência: ALDEIA, Wagner; LOURENÇO, Vitória Silva. Cristalização e incrustação do carbonato de cálcio em escoamento reativo: efeito do campo magnético. In: ENCONTRO DE PARCERIAS E INCRUSTAÇÕES SALINAS, 1., 2024, São Paulo. Palestra… 26 slides. Acesso aos slides da apresentação da Palestra em PDF:

Fatigue resistance of carbono fiber/polyphenylene sulfide composites engineered for automotive use

Abstract: This study comprehensively investigates a carbon fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide (CF/PPS) composite through tensile, fatigue, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), dynamic mechanical tests (DMA), and also fractographic analysis. Prepared via hot compression molding, the CF/PPS composites exhibit a consistent quality. Tensile tests show an elastic modulus of 37.2 ± 0.2 GPa Leia mais…

Machine learning in ecommerce fraud detection: a systematic literature review and comparative analysis of advanced techniques

Abstract: In an era characterized by extensive credit use and rapidly advancing technology, mitigating fraud in online transactions is more critical than ever. This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) on applying Machine Learning Methods in fraud detection in online shopping.In addition, a comparative analysis of a more comprehensive Leia mais…

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