Synthesis of catalysts containing mixed oxides of Mo-V-Cu-W to produce acryliuc acid: a comparison between hydrothermal synthesis and coprecipitation



Mixed oxides of Mo-V-W-Cu were prepared by three different synthesis methods, namely, evaporation (EV), hydrothermal treatment (TH), and evaporation, followed by hydrothermal treatment (EV-TH). The catalyst samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and fluorescence (XRF), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and N2 adsorption/desorption techniques. Subsequently, their catalytic performance was evaluated for the oxidation of acrolein to obtain acrylic acid. The results revealed that the composition of the crystalline phases of the mixed oxide catalysts influences their catalytic performance, and this effect varies depending on the synthesis method. The catalysts synthesized by EV-TH showed better catalytic results than catalysts synthesized solely via EV or TH methods. This improvement may be attributed to the higher content of vanadium oxides found in the samples of EV-TH, along with the formation of V0.35Mo4.65O14 as the predominant crystalline phase.


FANTIN, Wellina Missassi; POÇO, João Guilherme Rocha; DERENZO, Silas. Synthesis of catalysts containing mixed oxides of Mo-V-Cu-W to produce acryliuc acid: a comparison between hydrothermal synthesis and coprecipitation. Chemical Engineering Technology, v.46, p,1-12, 2023.  

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