Landslides inventory of Gurutuba River Basin, Ribeira Valley (SP)


The Itaóca municipality, located in the Ribeira Valley, was affected by three major processes related to an extreme rainfall in January 2014. The rainfall, concentrated in the headwaters of the three basins, Palmital River, Guarda-Mão and Gurutuba, triggered a significant number of shallow landslides, debris flows in the Guarda-Mão Basin and flooding in the urban area. Thus, the present paper had as objective to evaluate the frequency and some characteristics of the shallow landslides in the Gurutuba basin. The results showed that the greatest concentration of scars occurred in the middle and lower sectors of the basin, and most scars have dimensions of up to 300m², with ruling class between 100m²-150m². These data may contribute to future works such as the use of statistical tools or mathematical models for predicting landslides.

CAROU, Camila Bertaglia; VIEIRA, Bianca Carvalho; MARTINS, Tiago D.; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer. Inventário dos escorregamentos da Bacia do Rio Gurutuba, Vale do Ribeira (SP). In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA FÍSICA APLICADA, 17., 2017, Campinas, CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE GEOGRAFIA FÍSICA, 1., 2017, Campinas. Anais…

CAROU, Camila Bertaglia; VIEIRA, Bianca Carvalho; MARTINS, Tiago D.; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer. Inventário dos escorregamentos da Bacia do Rio Gurutuba, Vale do Ribeira (SP). Revista do Departamento de Geografia, v.especial, 8 p., 2017.

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