Effects of agile practices on predictors of system realiability


Agile Software development teams can be considered socio-technical systems and the choice of working practices are part of the design of this system. Practices focused on human factors and not directly related to software reliability can change the environment where software is developed and indirectly influence developer performance. Although largely used in the industry, agile practices are not considered useful in development of high reliability software and there is a lack of studies on this area. This research investigated 125 developers in Brazil and aimed to evaluate the influence of five specific agile development practices on the developers’ environment, to analyze it we applied a questionnaire to verify which practices are related to the development of an environment that can foster dependability. The investigated practices: daily meeting, quick design session, retrospectives, niko-niko calendar and taskboard showed an increase in the perception of feedback, comprehension of the system, relationship between requirement and code, system’s health and system evolution. Overall, the use of agile practices was related to a working environment better suited to the development of high reliability systems.

LAGO, Lucas Segismundo Moreno; SILVA, Marvin Ferreira da; SPINA, Edison. Effects of agile practices on predictors of system realiability. In: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, 5., 2014,Geneva, Switzerland. Proceedings… 6 p.

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