Depth profiling approach to evaluate the influence of hot stamping on the local electrochemical behaviour and galvanic series of hot-dip Al-Si coating on 22MnB5 steel


The influence of hot-stamping process on the corrosion properties of Al-Si coating on 22MnB5 steel was locally evaluated using a depth profiling approach combining GDOES and electrochemical micro cell. The results highlight the complexity of the system and the high dependence of the local galvanic series on the hot-stamping process. Due to iron diffusion from the steel substrate into the coating, the Al-rich layers presented active behaviour, whereas the initial coating condition showed a passive behaviour. Conversely, Fe/Si-rich sublayers acted as protective barrier for the steel substrate, as they show passive behaviour with nobler corrosion potentials and lower current densities.

COUTO, Camila Pucci; ANDRATTA, Francesco; LANZUTTID, Alex ;COSTA, Isolda; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour ; GRAEVE, Iris De ; TERRYN, Herman ; ROSSI, Jesualdo Luiz ; REVILLA, Reynier I. Depth profiling approach to evaluate the influence of hot stamping on the local electrochemical behaviour and galvanic series of hot-dip Al-Si coating on 22MnB5 steel. Corrosion, v.185,109435, Jun. 2021.

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