Benefits of incorporating dy-Cu Alloy through the GBD process for recycled magnets



The recycling process of permanent rare-earth magnets presents itself as an alternative to establish a more sustainable and robust supply chain for devices relying on permanent magnets. Nevertheless, the undesired additional introduction of oxygen during the recycling process may result in deteriorated properties compared to those of the original magnet. Motivated by those facts, the use of an additional
Grain Boundary Diffusion (GBD) process is explored in this work, both in terms of magnet properties as well as corrosion behavior. To explain the properties changes, microstructural analyses were performed for an end-of-life magnet, a recycled magnet, and a recycled magnet subjected to the GBD process. As a conclusion, the GBD process performed at 900 °C for 10 hours followed by low temperature annealing at 525 ºC for 1 hour increased the coercivity when compared to an untreated recycled sample. Furthermore, the magnet subjected to GBD process exhibits superior corrosion resistance when compared to the original end-of-life magnet.


DIAS, M.; SHIMIZU, G.; AZEVEDO, L.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, D.; MACEDO, D.; ANTUNES, L.; LOPES, L.; WENDHAUSEN, P.; FARIAS, R.; SANTOS, Célia Aparecida Lino dos; PASTRIAN, Fabian Andree Cerda; LANDGRAF, F. Benefits of incorporating dy-Cu Alloy through the GBD propcess for recycled magnets. In: INTERMAG CONFERENCE, IEEE INTERNATIONAL MAGNETICS CONFERENCE, 2024, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings…  2 p.

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