BUFON, Marcio Trovão; LEAL, Adriano Galindo. Method for identification of waste in the process of software development in agile teams using lean and scrum. In: TING, I-Hsien; CORCHADO, Juan Manuel. (Eds.) Knowledge management in organizations. Switzerland: Springer, 2019. p.466-476. (Communication in Computer and Information Science – CCIS, 1027) (Trabalho apresentado no INTERNANATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION, 14., 2019, Zamora, Spain.)
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BUFON, Marcio Trovão; LEAL, Adriano Galindo. Method for identification of waste in the process of software development in agile teams using lean and scrum. In: TING, I-Hsien; CORCHADO, Juan Manuel. (Eds.) Knowledge management in organizations. Switzerland: Springer, 2019. p.466-476. (Communication in Computer and Information Science – CCIS, 1027) (Trabalho apresentado no INTERNANATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION, 14., 2019, Zamora, Spain.)
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