Geological-geotechnical chacterization and engineering solutions for erosion stabilizatin in Suzigan Stream


The gully on Suzigan creek spring, located on the border of the municipalities of Santa Barbara d’Oeste and Americana (SP), achieved approximately 600 m on length, with a width varying between 20 m and 150 m, with slopes up to 80 degrees and heights between 5 m and 21 m. The process reached urban areas in NW/SE direction and triggered significant productive areas losses in its surroundings, besides causing major silting downstream, in the Piracicaba river. This paper presents the results of the geological-geotechnical/hydrological studies carried out by IPT in the area and the engineering solutions that were needed to stabilize the erosive process following the pre-established premises: rainwater should be conducted on an open channel; the slopes should be stabilized minimizing productive area losses; the original topography of erosive process ramifications must be recovered; the entire cut-off volume required for stabilization of the erosive process should be disposed on compacted landfills inside the gully.

GOMES, Claudio Luiz Ridente; FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; HELLMEISTER JUNIOR, Zeno. Caracterização geológico-geotécnica e soluções de engenharia para a estabilização do processo erosivo do córrego Suzigan. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2018. 8 p.

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GOMES, Claudio Luiz Ridente; FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; HELLMEISTER JUNIOR, Zeno. Caracterização geológico-geotécnica e soluções de engenharia para a estabilização do processo erosivo do Córrego Suzigan. Revista Brasileira de Geologia de Engenharia e Ambiental, v.8,n.1-2, p.88-97, 2018.

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