Effects of forced convection on the micro and macrostructure of metallurgical grade ingots obtained by unidirectional solidification


The effects of forced convection were investigated on the micro and macrostructure of metallurgical grade silicon ingots obtained by unidirectional solidification imposed by a water-cooled base in contact with a crucible bottom containing the melt. A rotating disk was immersed into the silicon melt to force convection. In the resulting ingots, of 100-mm height, convection increases from 8 to 80 mm the length of a region with clearly aligned columnar grains and free of intermetallic precipitates, indicating enhanced macrosegregation. A heat and mass transfer model indicates that the increase in solute transport caused by forced convection decreases the constitutional super-cooling ahead of the solidification front and, accordingly, increases the stability of a planar solid-liquid interface, free from cells or dendrites. The absence of cells and dendrites may have contributed to increase macrosegregation with forced convection.

NASCIMENTO, Denir Paganini; MARTORANO, Marcelo Aquino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; LIMA, Moysés Leite de; RIBEIRO, Tiago Ramos. Efeito da convenção forçada na micro e macroestrutura de lingotes de silício grau metalúrgicos obtidos por solidificação unidirecional. In: SEMINÁRIO DE ACIARIA, FUNDIÇÃO E METALURGIA DE NÃO-FERROSOS, 48., 2017, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM WEEK 2017. p. 414-424.

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