Quantum machine learning for network detection systems, a systematic litarature review



Quantum computing presents potential advantages over classical computing in terms of computational complexity. Therefore, it is expected for quantum machine learning applications to have improvements in capacity and learning efficiency over classical machine learning methods. This paper aims to present a Systematic Literature Review of articles published between 2017 and 2022, identifying, analyzing, and comparing different proposals of quantum machine learning applications for network intrusion detection systems (IDS). This study focused on identifyingpapers that implemented quantum machine learning algorithms in the context of intrusion detection systems. The main algorithms found were variational hybrid quantum-classical, with models based on quantum support vector machines and quantum neural networks. Benefits compared to classical models were observed and described, such as reduced training time and improved classification accuracy for attacking traffic.


NICESIO, Otavio Kiyatake; LEAL, Adriano Galindo; GAVA, Vagner Luiz. Quantum machine learning for network detection systems, a systematic litarature review. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AI IN CYBERSECURITY, 2., 2023 IEEE, Houston. Proceedings…

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