An experimental and numerical study of the effect of heat and termal shock in precast concrete wall system



The aim of the paper is to analyse the performance of a precast concrete wall system under heat and thermal shock (physical phenomena). The understanding of thermal shocks in building systems is a challenge because of the requirements and complexities of the phenomena behaviour through cycles of heating and cooling provided by the environment (sun followed by suddenly rain). The period of duration of the phenomenal during the cycles makes changes in the systems responses in terms of mechanical and physical aspects. The responses of the building system to heat and thermal shock were analysed during the monitoring of the changes in temperature and deformation using sensors in a scalable prototype of a precast concrete wall system. In addition, a numerical simulation based on the finite element method (FEM) in commercial software was conducted to verify and analyse the variables in a digital model of the wall as a complementary study of the effects of heat and thermal shock. The results demonstrated the feasibility to use numerical simulation to analyses the phenomenal of heat and thermal shock on the behaviour of a precast concrete wall system.


CREMONESI, Guilherme Akyo; CLETO, Fabiana da Rocha; OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de; RESENDE, Maurício Marques. An experimental and numerical study of the effect of heat and termal shock in precast concrete wall system. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DURABILITY OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS, 16., 2023, Beijing, China. Proceedings… 8p.

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