Analysis of walking speeds of Brazilian primary school children descending stairs freely



The analysis of the typical values of unimpeded walking speed of primary school children in descending movement in stairs, the differences on walking speeds on the flights and landings and the impact of anthropo metrical data (weight, height and bideltoid) in the walking speed of a children population are presented. The experiments were carried out with students of three primary schools in Brazil (ages 6 to 10). The objective was to get data to be used in evacuation modelling, free from influencing factors that can be found in data from fire drills, such as speed reduction due to crowds or adults controlling the flow. A new method of calculating walking routes in stairs was adopted in order to retrieve the walking speeds. Anthropometrical characteristics or age were not determinant for students’ movement in free walking condition in this study. The mean value of speed ob tained was 1.02 m/s on landings and 0.85 m/s on flights. The coefficients of variation (greater than 20 %) show that the distribution of values are quite wide, demonstrating a large dispersion of individual values. The reduction factor on flights for children, obtained in this study (0.81–0.9) is higher than those adopted in simulation models in general today (0.5–0.8).


ONO, Rosaria; VALENTIN, Marcos Vargas; VITTORINO, Fulvio. Analysis of walking speeds of Brazilian primary school children descending stairs freely. Fire Safety Journal, v.142, 104050, 9 p., 2024. 

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