In this work we present the first results related to production of water nanoemulsion in diesel oil using microfluidic reactors as tool. We tested two different microreactors, a vortex and 3D serpentine geometry, varying parameters such as total flow rate, surfactant concentration and ratio between phases. It was observed water droplets sizes from 100 to 700 nm, and the stability was dependent of surfactant concentration. Higher flow rates offer smaller droplets sizes obtained in vortex device. However, with 3D serpentine we observed nanoemulsion with better stability.
SCHIANTI, Juliana de Novais; GONGORA-RUBIO, Mario Ricardo; HOROIWA, Thais Aragão; CERIZE, Natália Neto Pereira; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Marim de. Water-in-diesel nanoemulsion by LTCC microfluidic devices. In: IBERO-AMERICAN CONGRESS ON SENSORS, IBERSENSOR, 9., 2014, Bogotá. Work Presented… and IEEE Journal & Magazine, IEEExplore Digital Library, 978-1-4799-6835-0 Conference Location : Bogota, Colombia DOI:10.1109/IBERSENSOR.2014.6995546
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