MACIEL, R.S.; MACIEL, F.S.; PEREIRA, F.A.R.; RIBEIRO, D.C.; ALDEIA, Wagner; MARTINS, A.L.; BLOCH, M.; FERREIRA, M.V.D. Study of carbonatic scale in completion tools through modeling and simulation techniques. In: SPE INTERNATIONAL OILFIELD SCLAE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, 2018, Scotland. Proceedings… 17 p.
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MACIEL, R.S.; MACIEL, F.S.; PEREIRA, F.A.R.; RIBEIRO, D.C.; ALDEIA, Wagner; MARTINS, A.L.; BLOCH, M.; FERREIRA, M.V.D. Study of carbonatic scale in completion tools through modeling and simulation techniques. In: SPE INTERNATIONAL OILFIELD SCLAE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, 2018, Scotland. Proceedings… 17 p.
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