GARPELLI, F.P.; GONZÁLEZ, F.M.; NALE, N.N.A.; ARBELO, M.A.; DONADON, M.V.; SALES, R.C.M.; SHIINO, M.Y.; RESENDE, Hugo Boreli. Structural behavior of Co-bonded composite structures subject to model I and mode II fatigue induced delamination. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 24., 2017, Curitiba. Proceedings… 10 p.
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GARPELLI, F.P.; GONZÁLEZ, F.M.; NALE, N.N.A.; ARBELO, M.A.; DONADON, M.V.; SALES, R.C.M.; SHIINO, M.Y.; RESENDE, Hugo Boreli. Structural behavior of Co-bonded composite structures subject to model I and mode II fatigue induced delamination. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 24., 2017, Curitiba. Proceedings… 10 p.
Documento com acesso restrito. Logar na BiblioInfo, Biblioteca/IPT-DAIT para acessar o texto em PDF: