Paths and obstacles of the ecological-economic zoning in Brazil


Many paths have contributed to the development of the Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ) in Brazil and its process of implementation has different contributions, but also political, conceptual and methodological obstacles. The present study discussed the development of the EEZ as an instrument of territorial planning and conservation of natural resources, addressing the obstacles that affect its implementation of Brazilian environmental policy. With a qualitative, a bibliographical and documentary research of the legislations and studies related to the zoning was carried out. Tthe EEZ is nserted in the main environmental legislations to the conservation and development of the country. Two EEZs were developed by the federal government and eight state EEZs. Nine zoning nomenclatures are in use, whose terminologies induce a methodological confusion that do not aid the implementation of the instrument and EEZ regulations. The scientific studies have evidenced the low use of socioeconomic variables and the high utilization of the analysis of the use of the ground and vegetal cover and aspects of the relief. Similarly, the EEZ Guidelines have low adherence in these studies and do not achieve their intended purpose. The discussion about the EEZ is necessary in scientific and technical scope, aiming at its consolidation as an instrument of environmental planning.

LOPES, Elfany Reis do Nascimento; SOUZA, José Carlos; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Caminhos e entraves do zoneamento ecológico-econômico no Brasil. Caminhos de Geografia, v.20, n.69, p.342-359, mar., 2019.

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