Use of carbon fiber grids in pavements restoration


This paper describes a real case about the performance of carbon fiber grids used as rein-forcement of the asphalt cover layer in restoration process from trench opening in vehicle traffic routes. For this study was chosen two ditches recomposed by the same team-work and in the same rolling track, a ditch with application of reinforcement and the other without it. Thus, it can be admitted that the load ap-plied on the two rearrangements is the same and ensure a reliable comparison, in a test carried out in real conditions of use of the vehicle traffic route. The degree of compaction and moisture content of the base layers and backfill, in addition to other characteristics of the materials used, were monitored during the closing of trial trenches by tests laboratory. After two different periods of time – 99 and 421 days – of the restoration of the pavement, and the route released for general traffic vehicle during all this period, a reas-sessment was performed in order to analyze the current pavement conditions. In this step were observed the paving health conditions of both rearrangements and held sample extraction hood for tests (extraction performed in the restoration without reinforcement to avoid breakage of the grid that can be monitored over time). The results showed good performance of carbon fiber grid in preventing the reflection of cracks in the application area and the need to adjust executive procedures, especially in relation to form-ing joints between the original pavement and the recomposed one.

ANDRADE, Leandro Reis; CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; MENETTI, Nelson Cesar. Use of carbon fiber grids in pavements restoration. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GEOSYNTHETICS , 11., 2018, Seoul-Korea. Proceedings… 6p.

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