Análise crítica dos ensaios de corrosividade de derivados de petróleo ao cobre e ao aço-carbono


The white petroleum derivatives transported through carbon steel pipelines are submitted to the copper corrosiveness test (NBR 14359 and ASTM D130) whose objective is to identify the presence of sulfur compound in the fluid capable to cause copper tarnishing. Additionally, the NACE TM-0172 test is performed to classify the potential corrosivity of the white derivatives to carbon steel. If NACE test results indicate an unacceptable corrosivity grade, additional safety measures should be adopted for transporting these products through pipelines. It has been observed that the results obtained from copper corrosiveness tests are being used to assess the corrosivity of petroleum derivatives to carbon steel. Consequently, it is attributed a deleterious effect of these petroleum derivatives to carbon steel pipelines. Therefore, mitigation countermeasures are adopted for the transportation of these petroleum derivatives, such as, batch transportation between pigs and extra sampling for a NACE TM-0172 testing. The adoption of the copper corrosiveness test for inhibitor dosing is also becoming a strong general trend. This paper discusses the pointed question based on a literature review and a case study

TIROEL, Lorena Cristina de Oliveira; NAGAYASSU, Vanessa Yumi; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; OLIVEIRA, Johny Hernandes de. Análise crítica dos ensaios de corrosividade de derivados de petróleo ao cobre e ao aço-carbono. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR, 2014, Fortaleza. Proceedings… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 2014. 9 p.

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