Zoneamento da vulnerabilidade à contaminação do Sistema Aquífero Guarani em sua área de afloramento no estado de São Paulo, Brasil


This paper aims to present and discuss the groundwater vulnerability to contamination map for the unconfined area of the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) in the São Paulo State. This aquifer is represented in the state by the geological formations Piramboia (base) and Botucatu (top). The map was developed in the 1: 250.000 scale, using the GOD method and is part of a study conducted by IPT, which carried out diagnostics for the elaboration of the Development and Environmental Protection Plan (DEEP) for the unconfined area of the GAS. The results indicate that the vulnerability to contamination in the region ranges from Medium to High, which 4.000 km² has high vulnerability to contamination and 12.000 Km² has an average index. The Botucatu formation is considered more vulnerable to contamination than the Piramboia. It is expected that the results from this study contribute and support state managers and water basin committees responsible for GAS management. There is a need for more detailed researches in the area, since the work was developed in a regional scale.


ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; IKEMATSU, Priscila; BARBOSA, Marina Costa; CARVALHO, Ana Maciel de; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani. Zoneamento da vulnerabilidade à contaminação do Sistema Aquífero Guarani em sua área de afloramento no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS, 17., 2012, Bonito. Anais… São Paulo: ABAS, 2012. 4p.

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