Estudos de corrosão sob tensão do aço API 5L X70 em meio de etanol sob atmosfera de nitrogênio e ar sintético


The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of stress corrosion craking (SCC) of PI 5L X70 in absolute ethanol, in ethanol fuel collected at REPLAN refinery (different samples) and in imported ethanol. Carbon steel specimens with V-notch were used under ultrapure nitrogen and sperdry synthetic atmospheric air. The tests were conducted at a strain rate of 1.0 x 10⁵ mm/s. The specimens tested in absolute ethanol under nitrogen or synthetic air did not show stress corrosion cracking. The specimens tested in ethanol samples collected at the REPLAY refinery showed different behavior. The Vagão sample provoked a strong SCC under synthetic atmospheric air; nevertheless, there was no damage under ultrapure nitrogen atmosphere. On the hand, the Tanque sample provoked a slight SCC in ultrapure nitrogen atmosphere but there was no damage under synthetic atmospheric air. Imported ethanol caused the greatest damage to the specimens and again there was a more aggressiveness under a synthetic atmospheric air. Analyzes were performed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize the fracture of the specimens. The obtained results confirmed the presented conclusion.

SANTOS, Célia Aparecida Lino dos; JOAQUIM, Antonio C.; SANTOS, José Veríssimo S.; FLOR, Juliana P.; SANTOS, Horácio O.; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; ARAÚJO, Marcelo; PIMENTA, Gutemberg de S. Estudos de corrosão sob tensão do aço API 5L X70 em meio de etanol sob atmosfera de nitrogênio e ar sintético. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR 2012, 32., 2012, Salvador. Anais…Salvador: ABRACO, 2012. 11 p.

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