RAPONI, Olivia de Andrade; BARBOSA, Lorena Mirana; BALDO JÚNIOR, Everardo; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, Antonio Carlos; GUIMARÃES, Alessandro. Effects of the exposition of an autoclave prepreg to the processing environment on its properties, curing cycle and final composite behavior. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v.106, p.5129-5136, 2020.
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RAPONI, Olivia de Andrade; BARBOSA, Lorena Mirana; BALDO JÚNIOR, Everardo; ANCELOTTI JUNIOR, Antonio Carlos; GUIMARÃES, Alessandro. Effects of the exposition of an autoclave prepreg to the processing environment on its properties, curing cycle and final composite behavior. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v.106, p.5129-5136, 2020.
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