This paper aims to develop a methodology to instrument a truncated scale-model of log containment structure used in SAE hydropower plant, known as log boom, in the IPT’s Towing Tank, from strain gage and load cells data collected by experimental measurements. This paper covers the model CAD design, manufacturing, balancing, attachment of measuring devices, connection of acquisition system, assembly on the towing tank, carriage runs, and data collect. The tests consist in dragging the 1:10 scale model along the tank and are conducted to vary parameters as log boom sets, carriage speed, and curvature of log boom line. The results are expected to guide to a better understanding of the movement behavior and the magnitude of forces acting on the structure. This study is necessary to better understand the loads in the prototype, in which the river conditions are not controlled and uniform. The developed methodology is part of a R&D project request by SAE and developed by IPT.
CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; KATSUNO, Eduardo Tadashi; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi . Instrumentation methodology for a log containment grid model in towing tank tests. In: AMERICAN TOWING TANK CONFERENCE, 30th., 2017, West Bethesda. Proceedings… 10 p.
This paper aims to develop a methodology to instrument a truncated scale-model of log containment structure used in SAE hydropower plant, known as log boom, in the IPT’s Towing Tank, from strain gage and load cells data collected by experimental measurements. This paper covers the model CAD design, manufacturing, balancing, attachment of measuring devices, connection of acquisition system, assembly on the towing tank, carriage runs, and data collect. The tests consist in dragging the 1:10 scale model along the tank and are conducted to vary parameters as log boom sets, carriage speed, and curvature of log boom line. The results are expected to guide to a better understanding of the movement behavior and the magnitude of forces acting on the structure. This study is necessary to better understand the loads in the prototype, in which the river conditions are not controlled and uniform. The developed methodology is part of a R&D project request by SAE and developed by IPT.
CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; KATSUNO, Eduardo Tadashi; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi . Instrumentation methodology for a log containment grid model in towing tank tests. In: AMERICAN TOWING TANK CONFERENCE, 30th., 2017, West Bethesda. Proceedings… 10 p.