The investigation of vortex distribution pattern is an important issue in marine propeller design, as it may lead to improvements in performance and hydro-acoustics properties. The velocity field and its derivatives obtained from CFD simulations of a marine propeller designed to the DARPA Suboff wake were analyzed in this work. The rotational field in the propeller wake was investigated for flow velocities corresponding to advance coefficients between 0.2 and 1.2, including the operation condition. The 2 and Q fields were computed and vortex centers found by two vortex identification methods, enabling the quantitative comparison between different velocity conditions and analysis methods. The proposed post-processing method is capable of analyzing both experimental and numerical data.
ESTEVES, Fillipe Rocha; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. Model scale propeller tip vortex assessment using vortex identification methods. In: ABCM INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 25., 2019, Uberlândia. Proceedings… 10 p.
The investigation of vortex distribution pattern is an important issue in marine propeller design, as it may lead to improvements in performance and hydro-acoustics properties. The velocity field and its derivatives obtained from CFD simulations of a marine propeller designed to the DARPA Suboff wake were analyzed in this work. The rotational field in the propeller wake was investigated for flow velocities corresponding to advance coefficients between 0.2 and 1.2, including the operation condition. The 2 and Q fields were computed and vortex centers found by two vortex identification methods, enabling the quantitative comparison between different velocity conditions and analysis methods. The proposed post-processing method is capable of analyzing both experimental and numerical data.
ESTEVES, Fillipe Rocha; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. Model scale propeller tip vortex assessment using vortex identification methods. In: ABCM INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 25., 2019, Uberlândia. Proceedings… 10 p.