MATS, Rosenquist; ADITJANDRA, Paulus; TIMMS, Paul; LEAL, Adriano Galindo; CHEN, Haibo; TAO, Chengliang. Global innovative urban logistics R&D and policy trends report. In: VIAJEO PLUS: international coordenation implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions. Bruxelas-Belgica: Ertico, 2016. D7.2, 40 p.(Urban logistics R&D and policy trands report)
Acesso ao Report no site NET-CDN:
MATS, Rosenquist; ADITJANDRA, Paulus; TIMMS, Paul; LEAL, Adriano Galindo; CHEN, Haibo; TAO, Chengliang. Global innovative urban logistics R&D and policy trends report. In: VIAJEO PLUS: international coordenation implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions. Bruxelas-Belgica: Ertico, 2016. D7.2, 40 p.(Urban logistics R&D and policy trands report)
Acesso ao Report no site NET-CDN: