A socioenvironmental deprivation index form slum health research in the municipality of São Paulo



Monitoring slum health through ecological deprivation indices is a valuable strategy for understanding and reducing health inequalities within a city. In this study, a Socioenvironmental Deprivation Index (SeDI) was developed for small areas of the Municipality of São Paulo. The index was derived through Principal Component Analysis and can be decomposed into the Socioeconomic Deprivation Index (SDI) and the Environmental Deprivation Index (EDI). The applicability of these indices for health studies in small areas was evaluated by using each index as a single predictor and the aging rate as the dependent variable in Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) and Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) models. Additionally, mean rank comparisons of the indices were conducted between the municipality’s slum typologies and non-slum areas. The indices were internally consistent and showed statistically significant differences between the most deprived slum typologies and non-slum areas. All GWR and MGWR models exhibited an adjusted R-squared ≥0.6 and did not demonstrate spatial dependence on the residuals. Different techniques underscored the importance of considering the multiscale effects of the surrounding environment in health studies. Finally, the proposed methodology enables the identification of mechanisms shaping health inequalities in small areas of cities with high levels of social inequality.


SERAFIM, Mirela Barros; SANTANA, Paula; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; BARROZO, Ligia Vizeu. A socioenvironmental deprivation index form slum health research in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil. Cities & Health, Fev., 2024. [on-line]

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