Dams have a fundamental role to the development of human societies, especially in the context of mining and power generation. The operation of a mine involves several essential stages, ranging from initial exploration to the closure and environmental rehabilitation of the site. During this process, a significant amount of tailings is generated, the safe storage of which is crucial to avoiding environmental disasters. Unfortunately, mining dam failures have been a recurring concern, highlighting the urgent need for preventative measures and rigorous monitoring.
GUIRELI NETTO, Leonides; OLIVEIRA, Matheus Pereira de; SERAFIM, Rodrigo; SPINELLI, Tommaso Mendonça; ARBIETO, Carlos Carrasco; ORLANDO, Patricia Del Gaudio. Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to monitor moisture content in a laboratory compacted soil dam. In: CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION NEAR SURFACE GEOSCIENCE, 2024, Helsinki, Finland. Proceedings… 4 p.
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